Saturday, September 03, 2005

Hurricane Katrina, The Time Of The Destruction And A Way Out Of This Mess

Hurricane Katrina, The Time Of The Destruction And A Way Out Of This Mess

September 3, 2005

Bill Tenuto

Hurricane Katrina
The following quotes from various television news programs describe reactions to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. These quotes point out something which I think most of us now accept as true. We are living in the time of the destruction.

"The destruction is more than you can imagine."
(Comment made by an official of the Mississippi Emergency Management Association [MEMA], Countdown with Keith Olbermann, MSNBC, August 30, 2005.)

"It was the most massive destruction I've ever seen."
(Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour speaking on Rita Cosby: Live and Direct, MSNBC, September 1, 2005.)

"I don't think anybody can be prepared for the vastness of this destruction."
(President George W. Bush speaking to the press in Biloxi, Mississippi, C-Span, Sept. 2, 2005.)

The Time Of The Destruction
"We are living in the time of the destruction."

"These destructive events, I say emphatically, are occurring now to push and prod humanity into realizing that we must join ourselves together. These destructive events are demanding of us that we must learn to change our ways. It no longer will work for humanity to be unconscious and disconnected."

"These destructive events will continue to take place with more frequency and more intensity until we get it figured out. …It is good for us now to create a space for understanding and compassion and kindness within each of us as individuals and among all of us as an organic, human community."
(Bill Tenuto, Future News, Book One, Chapter Three, "Creating the Power." This can be viewed at

The unusually powerful destructive force of Hurricane Katrina is not a once-in-a-lifetime deviation from the norm. More destruction of this intensity or worse is on its way in the months and years ahead. It has only just begun.

We have just lost the city of New Orleans. And in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, we are witnessing a rapid transition in the behavior of people all along the Gulf Coast from normal, social order to anarchy and a survival of the fittest mentality.

Even with all of this aside, each of us from now on will get a regular reminder of the magnitude of these destructive times whenever we buy gasoline. We all are feeling it. And I wonder how we all will feel when the gasoline runs out. (See "The Economy, The Worldwide Oil Shortage and Human Evolution" at

In the sub-heading at the top of this Future News site, it says,

"What is coming will be harsh."

It is no longer a matter of what is coming. The harsh times have arrived.

There Is A Way Out Of This Mess
If this destruction is not stopped, it will continue to follow its present course and eventually destroy the
Earth and most of humanity.

But as long as at least some portion of our Earth remains intact, we have a chance to stop this destruction. We can stop it, but we first need to make some changes in our behavior to shift the energy of humanity from self-destruction to co-creation. If we would change in this way, we literally could make an evolutionary transition together and create a wondrously new way of life for ourselves.

How many of us are ready right now to evolve out of this mess?

We can all pull together. From our unity comes our power to change things.

We can learn to become spiritual beings. This is in our nature.

We can embrace those in darkness and heal them with the light of our love. This will stop the destruction.

We can we make room in our lives to follow the spirit which guides humanity. This will lead each of us to our destiny as evolved beings.
For more information about ways for us to stop this destruction and evolve, please see the following Websites: (Recommended article: "A Call from the Mayan Elders to the Human Race.")

© 2005 by William L. Tenuto


Anonymous Anonymous said...

World War III is inevitable. There is no way to collectively trying to resolve this issue. Yes many will die. This has been a holy war from the beginning of time. There are two forces at work -- good and evil.

Sunday, December 04, 2005 12:11:00 AM  

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